Login. Login. Vorlesung mit Übung. Department of Physics. Goethe University Frankfurt Box 111932 60054 Frankfurt/Main Germany: Venue: Campus Riedberg Physics building room number 01.132 Max-von-Laue Str. Sollten Wartungsarbeiten (Updates, Patches) erforderlich sein, ist OLAT innerhalb dieses Zeitraums nicht durchgängig erreichbar. Profile NNP - Home Please login. Information about access. The CRC Colloquium in Frankfurt on December 9, 2020, will be held online as a virtual meeting. Das eLearning-Portal des Fachbereichs Physik. Our department offers excellent teaching and provides an outstanding research environment. The Frankfurt ITP Access List. Sommersemester 2020 Einführung in die Physik I für Studierende der Biowissenschaften WS 2020. von Prof. Jacoby. If there are problems with the registration, please contact our course managers. Display more information Access to this course has been restricted. Please subscribe with an official institutional address. EDEN is a joint project between INFN-LNS, INFN-Bologna and IAP Frankfurt in order to investigate the possibility of boosting the electron density inside a plasma trap by the use of an external electron source. Wintersemester 2020 / 2021 Einführung in die Physik A1 für Nebenfachstudierende. Prof. Gergely Endrődi. Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn. Speaker: Achim Schwenk Achim Schwenk Login. Language . I'm a theoretical particle physicist working in the field of lattice field theory. Verpflichtungen der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer. Display more information Access to this course has been restricted. Accordingly, it is extremely important that you are registered for the courses in PAUL. Installation Name Login Public Access; FB13-PhysikOnline Login page: Welcome to Astrophysics in Frankfurt! Fachbereich Physik Goethe-Universität Max-von-Laue-Straße 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main Gate phone. Diesen Artikel weiterempfehlen. Name: Workscope: Prof. Dr. Holger Podlech Host Professorship : Dr. Martin Droba Magnetostatic Ring Studies / E-Lenses / Beam Diagnostics : Dr. Oliver Meusel Display more information Access to this course has been restricted. We wish you a successful semester! Goethe University was founded in 1914 as a unique “citizens' university," financed by wealthy citizens in Frankfurt, Germany. E-mail: engel@itp.uni-frankfurt.de : Research Density functional theory Normconserving pseudopotentials Physics of metal clusters (older work) Relativistic models for nuclear structure (older work) Teaching Publications: Links Center for Scientific Computing: Last revision: Sep 25, 2017 . Non Neutral Plasma Physics Group. Experimental atomic physics at Frankfurt University: dynamics of atomic and molecular reactions, correlation, photoionisation, ion-atom collisions, strong laserfields, momentum microscopes, COLTRIMS Information about access. Relativistic astrophysics is part of Astrophysics at GU and has close ties also with the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS). : +49 (0) 69 798 47777 Dean's office phone. Named in 1932 after one of the city's most famous natives, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, today the university has over 48,000 students. Please login. PINO - neutron spectra from 7 Li(p,n) and 9 Be(p,n). Sommersemester 2020 Einführung in die Physik I für Studierende der Biowissenschaften WS 2020. von Prof. Jacoby. © 2020 Sonic Foundry all rights reserved. Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 (PEG Building) 60323 Frankfurt am Main +49-69-798-17193. The lattice approach is a numerical method through which we can systematically investigate the elementary particles of nature. Photo Title Name Room Tel (069 798-) Email ([at]itp.uni-frankfurt.de) Prof. Luciano Rezzolla: 2.143: 47871: rezzolla Lehramtsarbeitskreis Physik Uni Frankfurt. Campus Riedberg Max-von-Laue-Straße 9 (Biozentrum, Building N100) Compliance Policy. ~30 min. Please login. Hi. Observations: The two electrons preferably move on opposite sides of the nucleus: The likelihood to come close to each other is only half as large as that of remaining on opposite sides (Coulomb correlation).The 2-particle density clearly shows the electron-electron cusp at r 1 = r 2, reflecting the short-range Coulomb repulsion. PINO is a Monte-Carlo based tool for experimentalists to estimate the neutron flux as a well as the neutron energy distribution during activation experiments using the (p,n) reactions as a neutron source. The non-neutral plasma physics group belongs to the professorship of H. Podlech, whose field of work is divided into three categories - normal conducting hadron accelerators, - superconducting hadron accelerators and physics of non-neutral plasmas. Information about access. Frankfurt Airport: Trains to "Mainz Hauptbahnof" leave from platform 3 at "Frankfurt/Flughafen Regionalbahnhof", located in the basement of Terminal 1. The research includes compact stars and physics of dense matter, gravitational physics and … We study the structural organization of biomolecules in cells applying novel microscopic techniques that provide single-molecule sensitivity and a spatial resolution below the diffraction limit. Please, find more information on this website. Use: S-Bahn 8, Regionalbahn (RB) and Regionalexpress (RE). Due to the current Corona pandemic, the winter semester 2020/21 will continue to take place partly via home learning formats. We don't like freemail accounts. Lecture Notes (GU Frankfurt WS 2018/2019) (in German) pdf: H. van Hees, Theoretische Physik II für das Lehramt L3 Lecture Notes (GU Frankfurt SS 2018) (in German) pdf: H. van Hees, Theoretische Physik III für das Lehramt L3 (work in progress) Lecture Notes (GU Frankfurt WS 2020) (in German) pdf : +49 (0) 69 798 47202 E-mail: dekanat@physik.uni-frankfurt… E-Mail: elearning@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de 5. OLAT-Wartungsfenster. Next CRC-TR 211 Event. Wir sind ein Arbeitskreis der Fachschaft Physik, der sich mit allen Belangen rund um die Lehramtsstudiengänge Physik der Uni Frankfurt befasst. 31 likes. (is updated To contact the list owners, use the following email address: access-owner@lists.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de. Home: Activities: Publications: Internal: Miscellaneous: NNP - Miscellaneous A part of the research in this area is carried out in part at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at the Goethe University (GU). Das Zeitfenster für Wartungsarbeiten ist ab sofort dienstags zwischen 8:30 Uhr und 10:30 Uhr. Scientific announcements. In the global race to measure ever shorter time spans, physicists from Goethe University Frankfurt have now taken the lead: ... Physik. The CHE University provides facts as well as assessments by students on Fachbereich 13: Physik at Uni Frankfurt a.M.. Group Calendar. To see the prior postings to this list, visit the archives. Die Nutzung von Physik Online erfolgt im Rahmen der Regelungen der IuK-Nutzungsordnung. Copyright goes here Deutsch; English; Available Clients. The Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) of the Goethe University Frankfurt currently operates two Linux-based computer clusters within the framework of the HHLR-GU (Hessisches Hochleistungsrechenzentrum der Goethe-Universität) to support numerically intensive studies in a variety of research fields, ranging from neuroscience to high-energy physics.

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