In late 2004, Bayer HealthCare decided to concentrate on the core therapeutic areas of cancer and cardiovascular risk management including diabetes. Januar 2008 The deal has been completed after the Strüngmann’s investment company, Santo Holding, purchased newly issued … In 2004, Santo Holding GmbH of Andreas and Thomas Strüngmann bought DZ Bank's stake of 89.6%. This is Bayer. Dr. Thomas Strüngmann, Geschäftsführer der Santo Holding, wird zum Jahresende sein Aufsichtsratsmandat bei Medigene aus persönlichen Gründen niederlegen.Prof. Andreas Strüngmann. The section of Item 4(b) entitled "Opinion of Financial Advisor" is amended by the following amendments. Thomas Strüngmann on behalf of Santo Holding AG which is owned by Dr. Andreas and Dr. Thomas Strüngmann and their families. Thomas Strungmann and his twin, Our out-licensing partner for FYB201 is Bioeq AG (formerly Bioeq IP AG), a joint venture of Santo Holding AG and Polpharma Group, while FYB203 is partnered with Klinge Biopharma GmbH (part of Santo Holding (Deutschland) GmbH). A third project, FYB202, has been transferred into a joint venture arrangement with Aristo Pharma GmbH, part of the Strüngmann Group. EQT VI has entered into an agreement to acquire Siemens Audiology Solutions (the “Company”) from Siemens AG (“Siemens”) together with Santo Holding, t GCA Altium advises Hitachi Chemical on the acquisition of apceth Biopharma from Santo Holding. Dr. Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats von Medigene, brachte sein Bedauern über die Entscheidung zum Ausdruck und bedankte sich für die gute Zusammenarbeit: „Herr Dr. Strüngmann hat sich in … Backers included Santo Holding – the family office of the Strüngmann family – ,the MIG Funds advised by MIG Verwaltungs AG and new investor FCPG Affi GmbH. In 2005, they sold their generic drugmaker Hexal (plus a stake in Eon Labs) to Novartis for some $7 billion. Die Santo Holding ist eine Beteiligungsgesellschaft, die seit Beendigung der Annahmefrist für das Pflichtangebot an die 4SC-Aktionäre Anfang Januar 2008, laut Meldung vom 11. MIG Fonds (MIG Verwaltungs AG), have also invested in AMSilk for 8 years. Moreover, Andreas accepted an executive position at … III. The Strüngmann brothers, founders of German drug manufacturer Hexal, have secured a 25% stake in eHealth specialists InterComponentWare. Santo Holding AG. The deal has been completed after the Strüngmann’s investment company, Santo Holding, purchased newly issued shares from ICW’s recent increase in capital stock. ! Furthermore, Novartis will launch a tender offer to acquire the remainder of the Eon Lab’s shares. 3. Munich – Formycon AG today announced the signing of an exclusive, worldwide licensing agreement with Santo Holding GmbH, owned by the well noted German pharmaceutical investors Andreas and Thomas Strüngmann, granting rights to the first biosimilar drug of Formycon’s development pipeline. and Santo Holding, whose shareholders are the two brothers Dr. Andreas und Dr. Thomas Strüngmann, founders of the pharmaceutical company Hexal, has been the lead investor of AMSilk GmbH since 2008. About us Established in March 2014 and located in Holzkirchen south of Munich, Germany, bioeq GmbH is a joint venture between the Polpharma Group and the Strüngmann Group (Santo Holding). In a separate statement, EQT said that it would acquire the business with Santo Holding, the investment vehicle of the Strüngmann family, as minority co-investor. InterComponentWare AG got a massive shot in the arm earlier this week when Santo Holding (Germany) GmbH - run by Thomas and Andreas Strüngmann, the twin brothers who founded generic drug manufacturer Hexal - acquired a 25 percent stake in the company for a €100 million investment. company, Santo Holding – the family office of the Strüngmann family – , the MIG Funds advised by MIG Verwaltungs AG and new investor FCPG Affi GmbH. They cofounded Hexal in 1986. Under the terms of the agreement, Santo Holding will assume responsibility and bear the … It became Germany's second-largest generic drug producer. Existing shareholders will not have to surrender any shares as part of the deal, […] In the ordinary shareholders' meeting on 15 June 2016, the shareholders also elected Noel Barrett as additional member of the Supervisory Board. Siemens is selling its hearing-aid business to private-equity firm EQT Partners and Germany’s Strüngmann family in a deal valued at $2.68 billion. T 0041 (0)43 422 66 62 F 0041 (0)43 422 66 61 Bundesplatz 2 CH-6300 Zug This 63-year old businessman is an alumnus of Augsburg University where he completed his Masters of Business Administration. Thomas Strüngmann founded generic drug maker Hexal AG in 1986. Andreas Strüngmann and Dr. Thomas Strüngmann shall each, until the Closing Date, enter into a service agreement with a company of the Sandoz-/Hexal-Group to be denominated. ">DE; Search; Menu; Home; This is Bayer. 1. The investor consortium is led by Santo Venture Capital, the Strüngmann family holding company. However, by the acquisition of the 67.5% shareholding, Novartis will also acquire sole control over Eon Labs. Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the Life Science fields of health care and agriculture. Along with his twin, Andreas, Thomas Strungmann is considered as among the … GCA Altium has advised Hitachi Chemical on the acquisition of apceth Biopharma, a contract manufacturer of regenerative medicine products, from Santo Holding, a holding company of German biotech investor pioneers Thomas and Andreas Strüngmann. Peak equity investment by private shareholders 2006-2012 ~ 200m€ 5 . The majority owners are Dr. Andreas Strüngmann, Dr. Thomas Strüngmann and their families. The Company is a leading global manufacturer of hearing aids acknowledged for its innovative and high-quality products. Other family offices and a private investor hold together 20% of the shares. Based on the investments, CorTec plans the next step of expansion with a subsidiary in the USA and the development of the next generation of the Brain Interchange Technology. As a result, the Südwestbank left the union of cooperative banks and joined the Bundesverband deutscher Banken and its deposit insurance fund on 1 January 2005. Since then, through their Santo Holding, the twin duo has been investing in biotech sector focused on cancer research. “We believe Siemens Audiology Solutions provides the ideal platform for an entry into this attractive industry,” Marcus Brennecke, a partner at EQT, said in a news release. AT Newtec and MIG invest in young promising non-listed companies. Alongside LBBW Venture Capital, several existing shareholders participate in the funding round. He and his twin brother Thomas founded generic drug maker Hexal AG ($1.6 billion sales during 2004) in 1986. In February he and his brother Andreas sold Hexal and their 67.7% of U.S. Eon Labs to Novartis for $7.5 billion.. Majority investor from the beginning is SANTO Holding, owned and controlled by the Strüngmann brothers (former owners of Hexal) ! At the upcoming general meeting, the Supervisory Board will propose as successors the nomination of Dr. Thomas Strüngmann and Helmut Jeggle, both representatives of Santo Holding (Germany) GmbH, the largest single shareholder of 4SC AG. Bayer HealthCare (BHC) has concluded the divestment of its anti-infectives research to Santo Holding AG, Stuttgart, Germany. German businessman Thomas Strungmann has an estimated net worth of $3.3 billion as of April 2016, according to Forbes. The Strüngmann brothers, founders of German drug manufacturer Hexal, have secured a 25% stake in eHealth specialists InterComponentWare. acquire 67.5% of the capital stock of Eon Labs held by Santo Holding AG Switzerland, which is indirectly solely controlled by the Strüngmann family. In response to the Special Committee's request that the Strüngmann family agree to a standstill with respect to the Santo Shares, Dr. Strüngmann told Mr. Patterson that the Strüngmann family would not agree to such a standstill. Strüngmann und Helmut Jeggle, beide Vertreter der Santo Holding (Deutschland) GmbH, dem größten Einzelaktionär der 4SC AG, zur Nominierung vorschlagen. Bayer HealthCare will retain a minority holding in the newly established company AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG. He is currently married and has four children. EQT VI has entered into an agreement to acquire Siemens Audiology Solutions (the “Company”) from Siemens AG (“Siemens”) together with Santo Holding, the investment vehicle of the German Strüngmann family, as minority co-investor. Thomas Strungmann Net Worth: Thomas Strungmann is a German pharmaceutical entrepreneur who has a net worth of $3.4 billion. About Thomas Strüngmann. In 2005, Thomas Struengmann and twin Andreas sold their generic drug firm Hexal (plus a stake in Eon Labs) to Novartis for some $7 billion.

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