Cuardaigh na bailiúcháin uile inár mbunachar téarmaí dlí agus reachtaíochta de chuid na hÉireann agus iontrálacha Gaeilge ó IATE. Internationaler Freiname : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz) Norwegian Translation for Internationaler Freiname - English-Norwegian Dictionary Téarmaíocht. non-proprietary Internationaler Freiname {m} International Nonproprietary Name
pharm. Aspirin : Wirtschaftskriege der internationalen Pharmaindustrie. Ismaray 'Aspirina'. Fundset Deutsch2Chinese(S) international adj. Böngésszen milliónyi szót és kifejezést a világ minden nyelvén. proprietary names translation in English-German dictionary. German-English Dictionary: Translation for internationaler Freiname. adv. internationaler Freiname {m} international nonproprietary name pharm. internationaler. Get this from a library! 2421 Me gusta. Clotrimazol — Strukturformel Allgemeines Freiname Clotrimazol Andere Namen … Portuguese Translation for Internationaler Freiname - English-Portuguese Dictionary cyclosporin, cyclosporine cyclosporine . translation of INTERNATIONALER FREINAME in Chinese - see translations. International shipping made easy through the Amazon Global program. 3 In Belgien ließ sie im Jahre 1908 zwei Warenzeichen für sich eintragen, die die Bezeichnung "Kaffee HAG" zum Gegenstand hatten . Amazon Global ships millions of products to over 100 countries worldwide. Ke atas Dutch Translation for Internationaler Freiname - English-Dutch Dictionary translation of INTERNATIONALER FREINAME in Czech - see translations. Nemzetközi szabadnév fordítása a magyar - német szótárban, a Glosbe ingyenes online szótárcsaládjában. It … Freiname {m} generic namechem.pharm. Look through examples of Internationaler Fernmeldeverein translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Web oficial del aeropuerto de Tenerife Norte-Ciudad de La Laguna: información de vuelos, salidas, llegadas, compañías aéreas, accesos, parking, duty free. Internationaler Freiname (INN):Risperidon EMEA0.3 EMEA0.3 The international non - proprietary names recommended by the World Health Organization should be used where such names exist; Yang Jerman untuk Bahasa Inggeris kamus dalam talian. internationaler Freiname einer Substanz generic name, nonproprietary name, public name . noun Etymology: New Latin kanamyceticus, specific epithet of Streptomyces kanamyceticus Date: 1957 a broad spectrum antibiotic from a Japanese soil streptomyces (Streptomyces kanamyceticus) translation of INTERNATIONALER FREINAME in Dutch - see translations. Tá an t-ábhar seo á riar ag Rannóg an Aistriúcháin, Oifig Thithe an Oireachtais. Clotrimazole Antifúngico utilizado en Oftalmología para el tratamiento tópico de infecciones dermatofíticas y candidiásicas a chemical substance produced by some soil fungi, which suppresses the cellular immune response by inhibiting T cell activation, and has been used in medicine to reduce foreign tissue rejection, especially translation of INTERNATIONALER FREINAME in English - see translations. [Charles C Mann; Mark L Plummer] Internationaler Freiname (INN EMEA0.3 EMEA0.3 Hvad angår internationale fællesnavne (INN) som globalt anerkendte generiske navne for aktive stoffer i farmaceutiske præparater, er det afgørende at tage behørigt hensyn til de eksisterende begrænsninger af EU-varemærkerettighedernes virkning. [ˌsʌɪklə(ʊ) spɔ:rɪn] (also cyclosporin A, cyclosporine) noun Medicine an immunosuppressive drug obtained from a fungus, used to prevent the rejection of grafts and transplants. 1966 folgte die … Human translations with examples: common name, common names. Ismaray Chacón ‘Aspirina’ is a member of the famous ASPIRINA family with its origin in Guanabacoa, La Habana (Cuba). Eng. Contextual translation of "freiname" into English. Finnish Translation for Internationaler Freiname - English-Finnish Dictionary [klôr΄am fen′i kôl΄, klôr΄am fen′ikōl΄] n. [ CHLOR(O) + AM(IDE) + PHE(N) + NI(TRO) + (GLY)COL] an antibiotic drug, C11H12Cl2N2O5, prepared synthetically or isolated from a bacillus ( … Simplify customs, track your purchases door-to-door and no hidden imports fees. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Check 'Internationaler Fernmeldeverein' translations into English. non-proprietary name translation in English-German dictionary. Origin 1970s: from cyclo + sporin (from L. spora spore ) + in1 Er synthetisierte 1964 Azidothymidin (AZT, Internationaler Freiname: Zidovudin), ein Nukleosid-Analogon, das 1987 als erster Wirkstoff zur antiretroviralen Therapie bei Infektionen mit dem Humanen Immundefizienz-Virus (HIV) zugelassen wurde. Ismaray Chacón ‘Aspirina’ is a member of the famous ASPIRINA family with its origin in Guanabacoa, La Habana (Cuba). Semak ejaan dan tatabahasa. 1 personas están hablando de esto. UK [ˈθaɪəmɪn] / US or thiamine UK [ˈθaɪəmiːn] / US [ˈθaɪəˌmɪn] noun [uncountable] medical a natural chemical in many types of food that your body uses to make your nerves work correctly. Clotrimazol — das, s, internationaler Freiname für ein Antimykotikum aus der Gruppe der Imidazolabkömmlinge zur Behandlung von Pilzinfektionen von Haut und Schleimhäuten … Universal-Lexikon. Chloroquin — [k ] das, s, internationaler Freiname für ein Chinolinderivat, das zur Verhütung und Behandlung der Malaria, in höheren Dosen bei chronisch entzündliche Gelenkerkrankung (rheumatoide Arthritis), ferner auch gegen Amöbenruhr eingesetzt wird. Bunachar Téarmaíochta. Cookies help us deliver our services. Jerman-Bahasa Inggeris terjemahan.
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