Phone: +49-(0)6131-3921605 Email: The Lemke group studies interactions between intrinsically disordered proteins and structured proteins in vital cellular processes, such as gene regulation, nuclear transport, host pathogen interactions and healthy aging. CFWM05 to Technical/Scientific Staff Member, IMB Mainz, Germany 21 Jan, 2019 in Jobs by sterjung The Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) is a Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation and located within the campus of the University of Mainz in Germany. Views: 84 More stats Wir verstehen uns als Partner unserer Auftraggeber. Twitter @sfb1361 Mainz has a population of 200,000 and is host to a diverse range of people, around 40,000 of which are students. The institute, which is still under construction and is scheduled to start operations at the beginning of 2011, is thus being headed by a leading biological scientist. Finden Sie jetzt 175 zu besetzende Automobil Jobs in Mainz auf, der weltweiten Nr. Starting date: 1 May 2021 or later. Loggen Sie sich ein, um den Job Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator bei IMB Mainz zu speichern. About- The Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) is a Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences, funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation.It is located within the campus of the … IMB is a young and growing institute and there are many opportunities for outstanding and ambitious young scientists to join us as group leaders, postdocs or PhD students, as well as technical, administrative and management staff. publications, grants, awards, research stays at other institutions, etc.). Duration: The position has an initial contract length of two years with an option for permanent employment. Job vacancies at the Johannes-Gutenberg University can be found here. Job speichern. Contact. Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) Mainz Vor 4 Tagen Gehören Sie zu den ersten 25 Bewerbern. Viele IBMer arbeiten nun im Home-Office und versuchen eine Balance zwischen Arbeit und den Bedürfnissen ihrer Familie zu finden. The Euro-BioImaging Virtual Pub will take a break for the holidays, but please have a look at our 2⃣0⃣2⃣1⃣ line-up! The Institute for Molecular Biology (IMB) gGmbH is a newly founded Excellence Center for Life Science, funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, and located in Mainz, Germany.The institute is focusing on Epigenetics, Developmental Biology and DNA repair. This feature has been temporarily disabled. Students and postdocs should also check out our International PhD Programme, Postdoc Programme and International Summer School. Visit the post for more. Postdoc Position in Organic Chemistry/Synthetic Biology/Chemical Biology at the IMB Postdoc Programme in Mainz, Germany Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) All jobs Mainz All jobs Posted on Dec 11, 2020. Closing date: 15. 55128 Mainz, Germany, At IMB, we explore the molecular biology of the nucleus with an overarching focus on gene regulation, epigenetics & genome stability, Information for Postdocs and PhD Students, © Copyright Institute of Molecular Biology, 2021 IMB Conference: Epigenetics of Ageing: Responses to Adversity across Scales, 2021 IMB Conference: Restore, Reorganise, Repurpose: The many faces of DNA repair. Durch valide und klare Einschätzungen tragen unsere medizinischen fachärztlichen Gutachten auch außergerichtlich oder im Vorfeld eines Prozesses zur Klärung von Behandlungsfehlern und Fehlverhalten bei. Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) Ackermannweg 4, 55128 Mainz, Germany. August 2014 “IMB’s postdoc programme ensures I’m ready for the next step in my career, in academia or beyond” –Rocío Nieto Arellano, Postdoc in Anton Khmelinskii's group “The International PhD programme lets me work in fantastic labs and gives me all the training I need to do really cool science” –Azza Soliman, IPP student at UMC Mainz IMB is an equal opportunity employer. The Institute for Molecular Biology (IMB) gGmbH is a newly founded Excellence Center for Life Science, funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, and located in Mainz, Germany.The institute is focusing on Epigenetics, Developmental Biology and DNA repair. Mainz has a population of 200,000 and is host to a diverse range of people, around 40,000 of which are students. Das IMB besitzt eine moderne Ausstattung, kompetente Direktoren, verfügt über eine gute Infrastruktur durch die JGU und ist für Studenten zu empfehlen. The programme is coordinated by the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) — a modern research centre located on the bustling campus of Mainz University in Germany. Twitter @sfb1361 To apply, please send your application as a single PDF file containing your cover letter stating the add number, your CV, contact addresses of at least two referees and certificates of your degrees to IMB Consult GmbH > Unsere Kunden Unsere Kunden. Kontras Viele junge Gruppenleiter, die sich erst etablieren müssen. The Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbHfunded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundationis recruiting aBioinformatician on Genomics of Ageing(m/f/d) (#CFBIO16)The Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) is a Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences, funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim F No. (Basierend auf Total Visits weltweit, Quelle: comScore) Apply until Jan 28, 2021. Auf Firmenwebseite bewerben Speichern. All jobs My jobs For employers + Add new job Sign in Sign up. Please visit The deadline for applications is 28 January 2021. jobRxiv is the free and international job board for scientists, by scientists.Keeping research funds for research. Verwerfen. Starting Date: As soon as possible. Schön, dass Sie wieder da sind. IMB is offering 2 positions as Research Group Leaders in: ️Ageing related Diseases ️Molecular Mechanisms of Ageing Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz —in collaboration with IMB—is currently establishing the profile area ReALity and the Gutenberg Institute of Excellence (https://reality.uni-mainz… The city itself is charming and open-minded and is within easy reach of cosmopolitan Frankfurt, the Rhine valley region with its castles, vineyards, and nature reserves, and the equally picturesque cities of Wiesbaden and Heidelberg. Feature disabled. IMB Unabhängige Transparente Interdisziplinäre Medizinische Begutachtung. IMB is a research centre of excellence in Mainz, Germany. Interview dates will be announced once available. The responsibility for the jobs published on this website, including the job description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. With Frankfurt airport – the largest airport in mainland Europe – only 20 minutes away, countless European and overseas destinations are within easy reach. Our international scientists focus on developmental biology, epigenetics and genome stability. Since such highly dynamic systems are inaccessible The Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) is a Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences located on the campus of the University of Mainz in Germany. Folgen Sie uns: Blog Instagram Glassdoor. The group of Prof. C. Cremer ( is seeking to recruit a PhD student in the broad field of biophysics. Informal enquires should be addressed to Dr. Sandra Ritz ( IMB interview details: 1 interview questions and 1 interview reviews posted anonymously by IMB interview candidates. Unternehmen: Hauptsitz: Allianz Lebensversicherung: Stuttgart The Niehrs laboratory studies regulation of DNA methylation, which plays important roles in development & disease. IMB is an equal opportunity employer. Unsere Bewerber bedeuten uns viel und es ist uns wichtig, in Kontakt zu bleiben. The renowned cell and development biologist Professor Dr. Christof Niehrs is founding director of the new Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. No. IMB ( is a centre for basic research on the campus of Mainz University, Germany. If this sounds like you, please see details on the projects offered in this call, information on how to apply, and an online application form at Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH
funded by theBoehringer Ingelheim Foundation, Ackermannweg 4 It will open its doors in early 2011 with three scientific directors and several independent junior groups. About us. Interviews will take place online. Fully equipped core facilities, support for training on technology and young PI asking ambitious questions in the field of molecular biology, epigenetics, developmental biology. Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) Ackermannweg 4, 55128 Mainz, Germany. Don't forget to mention that you found the position on jobRxiv! The Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) is a Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences, funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, and located at the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz… CFBIO16 to Application Deadline: 15 February 2019 In higher eukaryotes, proteins that lack apparent folded structure are enriched in many vital processes. It will open its doors in early 2011 with three scientific directors and several independent junior groups. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes. To apply, please send a single PDF file containing your cover letter, CV, certificates and contact details of professional references quoting Ref. SFB 1361. For any suggestions, comments, questions. Preferred starting date: as soon as possible. The city itself is charming and open-minded and is within easy reach of cosmopolitan Frankfurt, the Rhine valley region with its castles, vineyards, and nature reserves, and the equally picturesque cities of Wiesbaden and Heidelberg. and quoting Ref. IMB is an equal opportunity employer. The Programme is coordinated by the Institute of Molecular Biology in Mainz, Germany, and participating groups are located at the: Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) University Medical Center (UMC) Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) Demonstrated academic excellence (e.g. SFB 1361. 1 der Online-Jobbörsen. To stay up to date with our latest vacancies you can subscribe to our mailing list or to our jobs RSS feeds here. IMB is a young and growing institute and there are many opportunities for outstanding and ambitious young scientists to join us as group leaders, postdocs or PhD students, as well as technical, administrative and management staff. Phone: +49-(0)6131-3921605 Email: Mainz, Germany Posted about 2 hours ago Expires on January 28, 2021 The Institute of Molecular Biology ( IMB , ) is currently recruiting new postdocs for its IMB … Please use the search function to find countries, cities or … The new environment allow young researcher to emerge. Technical/Scientific Staff Member (Microscopy), IMB Mainz, Germany 4 Dec, 2015 in Jobs by sterjung Job description: Job Description: The candidate will be pivotal in developing a next-generation intra-operative optoacoustic imaging system and method for novel biological measurements in pre-clinical and clinical environments. Designation/Position- Postdoc Positions in Germany Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz, Germany invites application for Postdoc Positions in Germany from eligible and interested candidates. ... Erhalten Sie E-Mail-Updates zu neuen Jobs für Forscher (Postdoktorand) in Mainz. Bioinformatician on Genomics of Ageing (m/f/d) (#CFBIO15) The Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) is a Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences, funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, and located at the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. To stay up to date with our latest vacancies you can subscribe to our mailing list or to our jobs RSS feeds here. Mainz has a population of 200,000 and is host to a diverse range of people, around 40,000 of which are students. We take your privacy seriously: Read our full Privacy Policy. Suche nach Jobs in Deutschland. Contact.
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